Dear Parents:


In choosing the Alonzo A. Daughtry Memorial Day Care Center,  you and your family are joining in new experiences and relationships. The day care director, day care staff, and other people in the center, have a responsibility to protect the health, safety, and well-being of your child. The New York State Office of Children and Family Services is part of this partnership, too.

What is child care licensing?

  • The Licensing Division was established by law to regulate child care facilities to help protect the health, safety, and well-being of children in care.

  • With the assistance of child care providers and experts in areas such as child development, early childhood education, fire safety, health, and sanitation, the Licensing Division develops minimum standards.

  • Licensing staff inspect child care centers, private kindergartens and nursery schools, some unaccredited private schools, group child care homes, and drop-in care centers to be sure that minimum standards are met. The staff also investigate complaints about violations of the minimum standards and the child care licensing law.

Alonzo A. Daughtry Memorial Day Care Center has met these standards. A copy of the minimum standards is available for you to review at your child care facility. You can also request a copy of these standards from your local child care licensing office.

Establish a Good Relationship With Our Day Care Center

  • Spend time with our day care facility before you enroll your child. Ask questions about the program and observe the activities. Make sure that our day care center has all the information needed about your child and family to provide good care.

  • Parent involvement is an important part of a successful experience with child care.

  • Read all the material the our center gives you. It's important that you understand these requirements before you enroll your child. It's equally important, once your child is in care, to read the notices, special requests, notes, and other materials that our center sends home.

  • Keep your side of the bargain. Pick up your child on time.

  • Discuss concerns with the day care director. Be aware that the teacher's main responsibility is working with the children. Don't be offended if the teacher can't spend much time talking with you when you drop off or pick up your child. If you need more time to talk about your child, set up a conference.

  • It's important to let the day care facility know about things at home that may affect how your child is doing in day care.

When Your Child Starts Day Care

  • Remember that it's normal for a child to have some fears and misgivings about starting day care. Children need time to get used to new situations. Prepare your children for the change as far in advance as possible. Discuss their concerns. If you're enthusiastic, chances are they soon will be, too.

  • Depending on their ages, some children will temporarily "act out" their feelings by clinging to you and refusing to let go, forgetting their toilet training, having bad dreams, sucking their thumbs, or other such behavior. Work with the child care director and your child's teacher on this.

Talk Things Over With Your Child

  • Make an opportunity each day to gently ask questions when your children are quiet and feeling secure and protected. Share their excitement about new friends, new skills, and new abilities; listen to their concerns; and give them a chance to boast about their achievements.

Parent Responsibilities

Our day care center must get certain information from parents to ensure the child's health and safety, handle emergencies, and meet minimum standards. If you do not provide this material, the child care facility will not be in compliance with the minimum standards.

  • Complete an enrollment form that includes basic information about your child; telephone numbers where you can be reached during the day; authorization for emergency care for your child; and written permission for swimming, other water activities, and transportation services.

  • Tell the caregiver about any special concerns or needs, including allergies, medical history, and current medications.

  • Give the day care facility a copy of your child's immunization record showing immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and Haemophilus influenza type b.

  • Provide a doctor's statement that your preschool child is physically able to participate in the child care program.

  • Inform our day care center in writing about who is permitted to take your child from the facility. Generally, our day care center may only release your child to you or to an adult you designate.

  • The facility may allow an older brother or sister to pick up a child if you request this in writing. The facility is only allowed to do this when all safety considerations have been met.

  • Make sure that day care staff know the child has arrived. Make sure that staff are aware when you come to pick up your child. Don't leave your child at the front door, and never leave your child at the center before opening or after closing.

  • Other requirements must be met if our day care center gives medication to your child or if your child needs special care or has a special diet.

What Happens if Your Child is Ill or Injured?

  • Our day care center is not allowed to admit a child who seems to be sick unless a doctor or nurse gives approval in writing. This may cause problems for parents, but it is necessary to prevent a sick child from infecting other children.

  • If your child has been absent because of a contagious illness, our day care center must follow guidelines concerning when the child can return to child care.

  • If your child appears seriously sick or injured while at the center, the caregiver must call you immediately. It's important that you pick up your child as soon as possible. • If your child needs immediate medical attention, the center must call your child's physician, take the child to the nearest emergency room or minor emergency clinic, or call for an ambulance. This is why the day care center must have your authorization for emergency medical care.